In order to make sure that the publication process of your app on the Apple Store goes smoothly, it is fundamental that you stick to its Review Guidelines and Submission Tips.
Review Guidelines
The App Store Review Guidelines indicate what requirement an App must meet in order to be approved and therefore be published on the App store.
Please follow this link to check the latest Apple
Guidelines (remember you have to log in as a developer):
For a detailed tutorial on how to create an Apple Developer
account click here:
Submission Tips
The approval of your app will be subject to Apple’s existing requirements for content. Luckily, by using AppsBuilder menu and screen layouts we take care of functionality and interface compliance issues, but here are a few useful tips from Apple to keep in mind:
· Apps that do not perform as advertised by the developer will be rejected
· Apps that are primarily marketing materials or advertisements will be rejected
· Apps that depict violence or abuse of children will be rejected
· Apps that encourage excessive consumption of alcohol or illegal substances, or encourage minors to consume alcohol
or smoke cigarettes, will be rejected
· Do not insert broken links! Apple will not even look at the rest of your app if they find one.
· Apps may not use protected third party material such as trademarks, copyrights, patents or violate 3rd party terms of
use. Authorization to use such material must be provided upon request
You can read more tips on how to make sure your App matches those requirements here.