Push Notifications are a way for an app to send information to your phone (via a badge, alert, or pop up message) even when the app isn’t in use.
For example, if you have a sports app with push notifications enabled, that app can send you the latest score of your favorite team even if the app isn’t running. The notification will send the user a message, and when s/he touches it, it will direct him/her back to the app for more information. You can also set a
specific redirect link.
Push Notifications have become the strongest Customer Relationship Management tool, allowing users to get the information they need right when and where they need it.
They enable the app administrator to dialog directly with targeted users (hence potential customers), and leverage the power of mobile engagement.
Users are asked to enable this feature when the app is first installed and can then enable/disable via the phone's settings.
You can only send push notifications for apps that are live on the App Store.
This is Apple's service that we have integrated with our platform and here are a few more things to note:
• There is a 128 character limit
• Notifications can be sent to all users or you can target geographic locations or single users
• You can schedule future dates for notifications to be sent out
• Apple does not guarantee delivery of notifications as factors such as network connectivity can affect delivery