The GPS Coupon feature gives a possibility for businesses to reward loyal customers with incentives for the repeat business. 

Q: How it actually works?

A: It works by reading the mobile phone's GPS coordinates and then the page checks for the same coordinates as the business location. When a customer accumulates enough check-ins he receives check-in incentive (i.e. free drinks, food, discount, etc.).

Note: As an app developer you can manage how many check-ins are needed to unlock an incentive and how many hours before a customer is allowed to check in once again. 

In order to add a new GPS Coupon to your app, go to Edit Pages menu, then click "+" Add New Page button. From the list of page types find GPS Coupon and click on it to add to the application.

Once the page is added to the application, you can proceed with editing it. On the right side you will find a list of page elements that should be configured.

Let's walk through all the available configuration options: 

1Edit Style    You can change the style of page elements. 
2Coupon name    Set up coupon name
3Coupon image    Set up coupon image
4Start dateSet up start date for current coupon
5End dateSet up end date for current coupon
6Check-In target amountSet up number of "check-ins" required to unlock the coupon
7Hours before next check-In
Set up number of hours before next check-in operation
8Can be used againSet up flag whether current coupon can be used multiple times 
9Coupon descriptionProvide a description of your coupon
10LocationsSet up list of all available locations where this coupon is available to redeem
11Location detailsSet up latitude and longitude for each location 

Once we did set up all of the options on the app editor (on the website), let's quick review how it works on a real device. 

In the application, the GPS Coupon page will have two buttons "Check-in" and "How to Unlock?".  In "How to Unlock?" you will find instructions how to unlock the coupon.

If the customer's current location meet at least one of the locations specified in the Location Details field (see field 11), he will get access to the coupon. If the location is different then the  specified one, Google Map page will appear with directions to the desired location.

Note: Please take a look in the above use cases what is happening when:

a) You are in a different location it will open Maps page with the location(s), and if you want get directions. 

b) Coupon already expired

c) Coupon is pending 

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