Did you know that using KickAppBuilder platform, your app landing screen can be presented to your users in several ways? One of the aspect of how your app looks when user opens the app is app navigation.

You can manage your app navigation by opening App Dashboard-> Navigation Settings from your computer web browser. 

By selecting each option, you can see all configurations: 



Selected Icon

Text Color

Selected Text Color

Background Color

Selected Background Color

Background Image

Selected Background Image

Header Image

Enable Header

You can see more detailed description of each option down below:

  1. NO TABS - if you select this option, the app will have one main screen, from which you can navigate to other screens in your app. There are no settings required to be configured. 
  2. STANDARD TABS - if you select this option, the app will use tabs to represent landing screen for your app.

    NOTE: You can configure tab name and icon. If there are more tabs than can be represented on screen, there will be More button with a dropdown menu to select remaining tabs. Standard tab styles are being used provided by iOS and Android.

    For Android only, tabs will be presented on top, as this is the standard implementation.

  3. CUSTOM TABS - if you select this option, the app will use tabs to represent landing screen for your app.

    NOTE: You can configure tab name and icon. If there are more tabs than can be represented on screen, there will be More button with a dropdown menu to select remaining tabs. Unlike STANDARD TABS, you define your own style under General Custom Tabs Settings 

  4. SIDE MENU - Top or Left navigation type.

    Using Side Menu can bring more benefits:
    a. A left navigation is faster and more efficient for users to scan.
    b. The left navigation also facilitates a vertical scanning direction that is natural for people.
    c. The left most item carry more visual weight than the other items because of its placement in the primary optical area (top left)
    d. Items in the top left get more exposure

App page names that corresponds to your navigation settings: 

App navigation / Corresponding page in the appNO TABSSTANDARD TABS    CUSTOM TABS    SIDE MENU


where N - number of tabs in your app

NOTE: If your app has NO TABS navigation, index.html must be present in the app. If your app has one of STANDARD TABS, CUSTOM TABS, SIDE MENU you app must have pages tab1.html, tab2.html ..... tabN.html, where N is the number of tabs/menu items in the app. You can convert your navigation pages to different page types same way as other pages in the app. You cannot rename these pages. 

Let us know, your opinion is very important to us.

Hope you find this information useful!


KickAppBuilder Support Team